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Английский с носителем языка

Учить язык с носителями - это здорово! Мы придумали 6 лет назад ещё кое-что интересное.

Учить язык с носителями - это здорово! Мы придумали 6 лет назад ещё кое-что интересное.
Мы приглашаем вожатых из разных стран, Непал, Италия, Сербия, Индия, Китай, Египет и другие. Их преимущества : не говорят по-русски, расскажут о разных странах, проведут детские игры народов мира.
Это настоящий культурный обмен.
Для этого не нужно планировать дальние путешествия! Всё страны у нас летом в лагере Большая Перемена.
Благодарим нашу вожатую из Италии, она учится в педагогической институте в Венеции.
Встречайте нашу pr. GATTARA
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Общение с ней 24/7 на английском.


When I arrived, I didn’t know how to expect, because in Italy are more spread city camps. When I found out how the camp was, I was really curious to see how kids would behave during the three weeks. I was really surprised to see how everyone was comfortable and felt like at home, especially the youngest kids that were far from home for three weeks. This really amazed me, as much as the fact that the oldest were respecting the rules and the routines, considering that they are teenagers. I think it’s a wonderful and formative experience. 

The camp itself is beautiful, surrounded by a forest and near a lake. Our corpus was big and functional for what we needed. The food of the canteen was basic, but kids had the chance to eat their food right after lunch. 


I immediately realized that in the team there were people that care a lot about the camp, I think this is a key point because their passion led them to complete this experience in the best way. I was amazed that the whole camp was run by such young girls and boys. The organization was very efficient, we did many different activities and kids were constantly stimulated. 


As an intern, I didn’t have a defined job in the camp, everything was already planned in every detail. This has its good and its bad sides. For me, at the beginning, it was hard to fit in in this perfect working cog, because it seemed that no one needed help. My advice, to make things easy for everyone, is to try to understand as soon as possible the rules and the routine of the camp, to be able to be an active helper and not to bother the other professors. The good side of this position is that I had time to interact with kids and to be around them. I didn’t expect that the language barrier between me and the kids would be such a 

small detail in my experience. I knew I could manage the communication with them, but I was surprised to see how this problem was so easy to overcome. If you want to be an active member of the team, language might be a problem, but some of the professors speak English and it’s not that hard to understand the mechanisms, it just takes patience and focus. The best part of my internships were kids, because in the end they’re the ones that help you through the experience. There were moments of tiredness and stress, but children would always find a way to cheer me up.

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